Mini self-care rituals
Sometimes we just need a tiny boost. Or sometimes we need a big boost, but we’re incapable of doing something big to take care of ourselves. Here are some tiny ways to practice self-care when you are struggling:
Cut your sandwich into triangles. Mother yourself.
The ten second pause: Before you get in your car to go to work, take ten seconds to take a deep breath and look at the sky.
Take an eye break. Look at something 20 feet away. Now 200.
Take your dang meds!
Try flossing. Buy floss picks and make it easy on yourself.
The next time you want to pick up your phone to entertain yourself when bored, try to spend one minute just being mindful of what’s happening around you before you log on.
Spend 5 minutes purging toxic social media accounts. Remember that even if it’s generally a positive account, it can be toxic to you if it makes you feel badly about yourself.
Light a candle at dinner. You’re already eating, right? Might as well make it nice.
Smell something nice: a soy candle, essential oil, your baby’s hair…
Go for a walk. If you don’t have time, set a 2.5 minute timer. Walk that long, then turn around and come back.
Wear your cutest socks and notice them and smile throughout the day.
Look up pictures of hens with chicks. Remember that you are a little chicky under the wing of Jesus.
Look in the mirror and say something nice about your favorite part of yourself.
Look in the mirror and say something nice about your LEAST favorite part of yourself.
15. If you have to do something anyway, make it as nice as possible. Get the best flavored toothpaste. Eat off real plates. Buy pleasantly scented dish soap.
16. Purchase a frozen pizza for your freezer. Future you will be so happy when you don’t feel like making a meal.
17. Do the NYT or Apple mini-crossword.
18. Look up your favorite aesthetic on pinterest or tumblr and just spend a minute looking at the pretties.
19. Go through your underwear drawer and throw out anything holey.
20. Do the same for your socks.
21. Leave a nice comment on someone’s social media. It will make them (and you!) feel great.
22. Free-write for five minutes. Anything that comes to mind, no matter how ridiculous. If you don’t know where to begin, pick up a pen and write, “I don’t know what to write” until more thoughts come.
23. Do a tiny tidy. Don’t try to organize or thoroughly clean anything, but pick a spot, pick up the floor, straighten chairs or pillows, etc.
24. Make that appointment you’ve been putting off. You know the one.
25. Read a prayer from your favorite prayer book. Here are some of my faves.
26. Read a poem. Here are some of my faves.
27. Spend 2 minutes in silence remembering that you are worthy of love.
28. Start creating a playlist of music that makes you feel your core desired feelings.