Crafting a Sacred, Intentional Life

Building an Ethical, Natural-Fiber Wardrobe
Building an ethical, natural-fiber wardrobe on a budget

Prepping without Panicking
A gentle, basic guide to preparedness for highly sensitive and anxious people

The ONE money saving tip you need
The one simple (yet radical) tip for saving you tons of money (and helping our Mother Earth in the process)!

Books That Changed Me
Books change our lives, in big ways and small. I’m always interested in reading others’ book lists, so here is my list of books that changed me. These are the books that made me a Christian, made me comfortable with my witchy side, made me a progressive Christian, made me self-reflect…

Simple Living Ideas for Working Moms
So many simple living websites feel totally unapproachable to me as a working mom. Here are ten simple living tips that work if you work!

Spring Cleaning Rituals
Many people take time during the spring to clean house, both literally and metaphorically. The witchy among us, though, know that cleaning is a powerful type of magic, making the world we want it to be. Here are some rituals for your spring cleaning.

Easter or Ostara? Which should you celebrate as a Christian Witch?
It is sometimes said in pagan circles that Easter is a holiday that Christians have stolen from pagan traditions. Even some Christians don’t participate in activities such as egg hunts because they believe they come from ancient pagan practices worshipping the goddess Eostre (Ostara). Let’s get down to the actual history, shall we?

A Primer in “Woo-Woo” Christian beliefs
I am some conglomeration of beliefs that doesn’t fit in with the American Evangelical Church. I don’t like to just call myself a Christian, because that has become associated with people who I generally think are terrible. I feel like I need a qualifier so people know I’m not like the “Christians” they see on the news. How I identify my spirituality changes pretty regularly, but it’s never “normal.” I get lots of questions. Maybe you have questions, too, about what to call yourself. You don’t need to fit into a box. You can make your own box or get rid of the boxes altogether! But here’s a primer in woo-woo Christian belief systems.

Mini self-care rituals
Sometimes we just need a tiny boost. Or sometimes we need a big boost, but we’re incapable of doing something big to take care of ourselves. Here are some tiny ways to practice self-care when you are struggling:

Waking The Witch
Welcome to a new series in which I review witchy books from a Christian perspective. I’ll point out what I love, anything that I feel like are danger zones, and then let you decide for yourself.

Mindful Consumption of Magic
It is important as we pursue any spiritual path that we consider whether we are consumers or creators. We are made in the image of a Creator, so we are meant to be creators ourselves. But with magic, as with anything in life, there is going to be some level of consumption. So with that we must be cognizant of our impact on other humans, our more-than-human kin, and our Mother Earth. So how do we consume ethically? There are no correct answers that fit everyone, but here are some thoughts:

Alternative Names for God
Sometimes the “God” word can be triggering for people. I don’t really care for it because it’s associated with a male deity in my mind. I recognize that God is gender neutral, but because of the way the church has associated God with He, I’ve learned to do that, too.
But God is SO MUCH MORE than that! And She can handle being called whatever makes you most comfortable with Her! ;) Here are just a few other names you can use to replace the word God in your prayers, if that makes you feel more comfortable.

How to write a rule of life
We all have a rule of life.
Don’t believe me? What time do you usually eat dinner? What time do you get up for the day? Do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?
We ALL have a rule of life. Whether our rule of life is intentional or not is another story. So for now, let’s think of the unwritten rules as our Standard Operating Procedures. They’re just things we do. Not always intentional or thought out (though maybe some parts are).
But we want to live intentional, sacred lives here, right? So let’s work on a Rule of Life.

Practical ways to simplify your life
Your life is a sacred vessel for the Divine who lives in you. Treating it beautifully often means simplifying the extraneous so you can focus on the sacred.

The Full Life List
Do you feel like you are too busy to get anything done? The days get away from you? Not living life to its fullest? Here’s a quick and easy practice for you to feel the abundance of your life: