About Meghan
I am a Beautiful You Coaching Academy trained Life Coach and spiritual direction student at Perkins School of Theology at SMU. I believe all parts of our lives are sacred, that there is no part of our life not worth looking at, growing in, and treating beautifully. I believe you are loved, and are worthy of that love. I would love to help you find and meet the goals deep in your heart.
Want support with health, home, or parenting goals? I have a Bachelors Degree in Human Sciences with an emphasis in Child and Family Studies. I’m passionate about minimalism and simple living, because I believe our homes are divine temples.
Looking to tackle goals around relationships and family dynamics? I have found freedom from emotional abuse, been a single mom, and am now a wife, mom, and step-mom in a THRIVING blended family.
Have goals around personal or spiritual development and self-care? I’m a long-time spiritual seeker, enneagram nerd, and boundary-holding master.
Core Beliefs
The Ultimate Divine Love does not have a gender. I may call The Ground of All Being “she,” “he,” “they,” “God,” “Goddess,” “matrix holding the world together,” “the warp and weft of creation,” or whatever else resonates with me in the moment. Love understands.
Nature is the first physical incarnation of Love. While nature itself is not God, it should be revered as a physical incarnation of Love. Therefore, the seasons and cycles of the Earth and our bodies, the plants, and even the stones all play a part in worshipping the Divine.
Jesus was the second physical incarnation of Love, sent as an example of how humans should live and how God loves, after many years of people messing up and misunderstanding the whole “God” thing. He is Divine Love in human form.
Diversity and Inclusion Statement
All people are created by Love and are equally adored by the Creator. Diverse race, gender, and sexual orientation are all aspects of the Divine Being. Jesus deliberately sought out marginalized people to to comfort and show them love, and so should we. Oppression of any person, based on religion, sexuality, gender expression, race, etc. is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus.
I will seek to employ and/or collaborate with women, people of color, and people in other marginalized communities as often as possible. I will pay anyone I work with a fair price that allows them to make a healthy living.
I will continue to research, learn, and implement anti-racism, knowing that in loving imperfectly, I can only continue to grow.