Things to do when you are not on social media

I’ve been greatly reducing my social media time lately, in hopes to eventually be off it completely. When I’m not using it for business, I try to do ANYTHING but use socials. But as a society, we’ve gotten used to having a built-in boredom buster at all times. If you’re stuck for what to do instead, here’s a list of 67 alternatives to social media for you.

Stop the social media habit and regain your life
  1. Read a novel

  2. Read a blog post

  3. Read a poem

  4. Make something

  5. Notice your body

  6. Notice the world around you

  7. Notice your thoughts wandering

  8. Notice your family

  9. Go outside

  10. Be intentionally bored

  11. Take a self-paced class online

  12. Make love (to yourself or an adoring partner… whatever floats your boat)

  13. Eat a snack and really notice the food

  14. Drink a glass of water

  15. Do stream-of-consciousness writing

  16. Write poetry

  17. Write a novel

  18. Light a candle and focus on the flame

  19. Pull a tarot or oracle card

  20. Play a board game

  21. Play a video game

  22. Play an online game that’s not connected to socials

  23. Do a yoga video

  24. Go for a walk

  25. Dance

  26. Sing

  27. Plant a garden (or just a flower)

  28. Organize a cabinet

  29. Pull clothes out of the closet you no longer wear

  30. Make a list of your values and priorities

  31. Listen to a podcast

  32. Listen to an audiobook

  33. Listen to a song and really notice how it makes you feel

  34. Have a good cathartic cry

  35. Call a friend

  36. Run that errand you’ve been putting off

  37. Learn to play an instrument

  38. Learn to speak another language

  39. Volunteer

  40. Check out the wish lists of charities you support and send them a care package

  41. Send a “just because” card to a friend or relative

  42. Pray

  43. Meditate

  44. Try a different form of prayer than you’ve used before

  45. Memorize a scripture, quote, or mantra

  46. Look at the sky. Notice cloud shapes or constellations

  47. Learn about moon phases

  48. Find a spot to sit in throughout the year and notice the changes

  49. Cuddle a pet

  50. Cuddle a family member

  51. Write down things you are grateful for

  52. Write down all the things you love about someone and give it to them

  53. Watch a TV show you’ve wanted to see (May I recommend Ted Lasso for a feel-good watch?)

  54. Get a kids’ craft kit and try a new project

  55. Bake something

  56. Clean that one thing you’ve been putting off

  57. Look up some dad jokes. Tell them to your spouse or kids and watch their eyes roll

  58. Hug a tree

  59. Stick your feet in water (I’m a sucker for rivers and creeks)

  60. Call your congresspeople

  61. Moisturize your skin

  62. Research your ancestry

  63. Make a feel-good playlist

  64. Clean out the photos on your phone, print the ones you love

  65. Watch a simple living or minimalist YouTube video

  66. Take an eye break. Look at something 20 feet away. Now try 200 feet.

  67. Make a list like this for yourself and share some in the comments!

67 things to do that are not social media

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