Witchy Things I Do As a Christian Mystic

Because I know you’re curious. ;)

Burn stuff. Currently it’s Palo Santo because I still have a bunch left over from before I knew better. When it’s gone I’m going to try some local woods for cleansing.

Light a million candles. A big candle to represent Christ, tiny tapers for prayers, votives in front of my icons.

Talk to rocks. And trees. And bugs. And birds. They’re our siblings.

On that note, pet moss, touch rocks, hug trees (I have not yet hugged a bird or bug).

Contemplative prayer/meditation; seeking time with the Divine independently.

Address the Divine as Mother, think of God more as Goddess (yes, I recognize God is nongendered… this is also the way I’m most comfortable thinking of God).

Use crystals. I’m questioning the ethics of this currently, so I don’t buy new ones, but I use what I have. My black tourmaline is a life saver. I also put them in the full moonlight to cleanse/charge.

Study herbalism. The Divine gave us all the things we need to heal ourselves. What a blessing! (Please note that because of changes in the world since God created us, we sometimes need pharmaceuticals. I take many. These are also a blessing.)

Study. I don’t just trust the church to tell me what to believe. I study on my own, as well. Church can be an important part of one’s spiritual journey, but it’s not by any means the only (or even most important) part.

I often think of Jesus as my awesome big brother who I want to be just like, or my chosen deity. Not particularly common among Christians, but it works for me.

Consider the environmental and social impact of all my purchases, and invest in the ones that feel good.

Alright my Christian witches, Christopagans, Christian druids, mystics… what are your practices? Share with us in the comments so we can learn from each other!


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